Plasma physics
Scientific and practical importance. Implementation of the project will allow:
- Producing new generation of accelerators for radiative chemistry and physics, defectoscopy, medicine etc.
- Developing the particle detection technologies that are applicable in medical equipment, industrial devices, security tools etc.
- Improving the methods of proton and ion therapy of cancer. Implementation of the Super Charm-Tau Factory will lead to significant extension of cooperation between national and foreign scientific groups and BINP, allowing undergraduate and PhD students to participate in high-level research activity.
The development of this project in the BINP SB RAS is connected, first, with the outstanding results that have been obtained on the B-factories in the laboratory KEK (Japan) and SLAC (USA). The high luminosity of the B-factories allowed, using the radiative return, some interesting results in the field of energy c-tau factories, though the creation collider aimed at the study of the physics of charmed particles and the tau lepton is still an extremely important task.
Second, the growth of interest in the creation of the c-tau factory of next generation was caused by the discovery of a new method of beam collision in the electron-positron collider (Crab Waist), which allows without significant increasing of the beam intensity, the machine size or reducing the bunch length, achieving the luminosity by comparing with the existing factories directly up to two orders of magnitude.
Realisation of the program will require the physical development of a universal magnetic detector with high momentum resolution for charged particles, limiting the energy resolution of photons, record parameters of particle identification, and data collection system that can handle events with the frequency of 300-400 kHz.
Two-ring e+e- collider
Linear accelerator for full energy
Positron injector
Polarized electron injector
International Workshop on the BINP Super c-τ factory project
18-19 December 2017, RUSSIA